white fox hoodies color chart
Here's a table of popular White Fox hoodies colors based on general color options the brand has featured:
Color Category | Color | Description |
Classic Neutrals | White | Bright, clean white for a versatile look |
Black | Sleek and classic, perfect for any outfit | |
Gray | Soft heathered or charcoal gray | |
Earthy Tones | Beige | Light, natural beige for a minimalist vibe |
Olive Green | Muted green, ideal for a natural look | |
Brown | Rich chocolate or taupe for a warm, earthy feel | |
Pastels | Light Pink | Soft blush or baby pink, cozy and gentle |
Lavender | Light purple for a trendy pastel touch | |
Baby Blue | Soft blue for a calm and relaxed appearance | |
Bold Colors | Royal Blue | Deep blue for a striking statement |
Bright Red | Vivid red, perfect for a bold look | |
Forest Green | Dark green, rich and intense | |
Seasonal & Limited | Tie-Dye | Mix of colors, available in pastel or bold hues |
Neon Green | Vibrant green, often in limited releases | |
Neon Yellow | Bright yellow, eye-catching and trendy |
This table includes many popular colors White Fox has offered, though availability may vary based on the current season or collection. For an updated list, visiting White Fox hoodies is the best way to see their latest hoodie color options